I noticed my version of APEX was a bit out of date, so decided to patch it to the latest version.
It took me a bit of time to do it, because I was looking in the wrong place. If you go to the APEX download page -
You can download the latest version - but don't, because if you already have V4 installed, it won't work.
If you download it and try to run @apexins sysaux sysaux temp /i/ , you will get this:
Error: This version of Application Express is already installed (APEX_040200).
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
ORA-06512: at line 9
You actually need to download a patch and apply that. But don't go to the Oracle site and try to search for the latest APEX patch there, you'll just end up going round in circles.
Instead, open the Release Notes from the download page, and in there you will find a reference to the patch number:
2.2 Downloading and Extracting the Installation Software
Download the patch set to a computer with access to the Oracle Database. You will also need access to the Oracle home.
To download and extract the patch set installation software:
Download the p19595896_426_Generic.zip patch set installation archive to a directory that is not the Oracle home directory or under the Oracle home directory.
So go to the Oracle Support site and search for this number in the patches tab.
Once downloaded, just read the instructions in the notes.
Short version - cd to the directory the patch was extracted.
cd /tmp/apex/patch
You might want to take a database backup here, just in case.
Run the script to apply the patch (go and get a coffee, this takes a while):
sqlplus> @apxpatch.sql
sqlplus> @apxldimg.sql /tmp/apex/patch
Log into APEX and the new version number should be shown in the bottom right of the page.