Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Creating a Linux Instance on Amazon AWS

After having created an Oracle database on AWS I thought that there wasn't as much flexibility as having a Linux host - no SQLPlus, I couldn't get APEX ORDS to work, no cron etc.

So I thought I'd create a Linux instance and do it that way. One of our clients is doing this, and when we connect it's just a putty connection to a Linux host - you wouldn't know it was in AWS.

Before you go too far, download 'puttygen.exe' from
you'll need it later.

So, log into the AWS console.

Select 'EC2' at the top of the page.

At the next page, click on 'Launch Instance'

Click on 'Select' against the Red Hat Instance

Make sure the 'General Purpose' one is checked, it's the free one

Click on 'Review and Launch'. If you select 'Next: Configure Instance Details' it goes through options, all of which will cost money, so you probably don't want to.

 Otherwise, click 'Launch'

 You need to create a key pair - I tried to use the option to log in with a username/password but I had problems, so use the drop-down to select 'Create a new key pair'

Give it a name, then click on 'Download Key Pair'

 Save it, and remember where you put it, it's pretty important.

Click on 'Launch Instances'

 A page will show it creating, then you will see this

 Click on the 'View Instances' button

 It should be running

You will see a 'Public DNS' - this is the address you use with Putty. However, the PEM file generated from the 'Create a new key pair' doesn't work with Putty, so that's why you need Puttygen.

Start puttygen.exe

Make sure'SSH-2 RSA' is selected at the bottom

Click on 'Load'

Use the drop-down to select 'All Files'

Locate the pem file you generated and click 'Open'

A couple of windows will open - click 'OK' at this one

Then click on 'Save Private Key'.

Click 'Yes' here:

Save the file as a 'ppk' and call it the same name as the PEM file and click 'Save'

You can now close the puttygen window.

Open Putty, and create a new session.

In the host name field, enter ec2-user@xxxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxx

where the xxxx's are the Public DNS from the AWS console

Expand the 'ssh' in the left-hand Window and expand 'Auth'

Browse to the ppk file you generated with Puttygen

And click 'Open'

Click on 'Session' and then on 'Save', giving it a name

Then click on 'Open'.

Click 'Yes' at the security alert screen

You should be logged in, it won't prompt for a password

Note that to do anything as root you need to use 'sudo'

So that’s it, you now have a Red Hat Linux host. I was going to do another document on how to install Oracle, but it’s the same as installing Oracle on any Linux host so just scp the installation files to the host and follow the Oracle documentation.