I've always struggled with getting the regions to look decent, and since all of my Apps have been for my personal use or internal to the company I haven't worried too much about it.
However, I'm now writing one for a client so the look is important.
I have a couple of Gauge charts that I want to put side-by-side, but using the APEX region settings just couldn't get it to work.
Then I discovered the "Region Attributes" field and the "float" attribute.
To get the charts to sit side by side:
Create an html region, in my example I call it "Sessions" and leave it blank.
Edit the region, and in the field near the bottom called "Region Attributes" put this:
(or however wide you want it).
Next. create a new chart region, I called it "Total Active Sessions", and make the "Sessions" region the parent.
Make the Template "No Template"
Make the "Start New Row=Yes" in Grid Layout
Scroll down to the "Region Attributes" field and enter
style="float:left; width: 100px"
Create the chart, I used a gauge, this was the SQL:
select count(*) value,150 max_value from v$session where status='ACTIVE' and username is not null
Create the second region, again make the parent "Sessions" and No Template,
Start New Row is "NO", Column Span is Automatic and New Column is Yes.
Scroll down to Region Attributes and enter
style="float:left; width: 100px; clear:none"
The second chart SQL is virtually the same as the first:
select count(*) value,150 max_value from v$session where status='INACTIVE' and username is not null
The charts should now sit next to each other. You can fiddle with the values to shift the charts around.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Monday, July 21, 2014
New Tablespace size script
I found this on Toadworld:
There are lots of useful scripts there: http://www.toadworld.com/platforms/oracle/w/wiki/4861.instant-scripts.aspx
I've changed a couple of the column formats from the original.
REM LOCATION: Object Management\Tablespaces and DataFiles\Reports
REM FUNCTION: Generate a report of Tablespace Space Availability
REM including autoextend related space availability.
REM PLATFORM: non-specific
REM REQUIRES: dba_tablespaces, dba_data_files
REM This is a part of the Knowledge Xpert for Oracle Administration library.
REM Copyright (C) 2008 Quest Software
REM All rights reserved.
REM ******************** Knowledge Xpert for Oracle Administration ********************
SET lines 160 pages 66 feedback off
COLUMN tablespace_name format a20 heading 'Tablespace|(TBS)|Name'
COLUMN autoextensible format a6 heading 'Can|Auto|Extend'
COLUMN files_in_tablespace format 999 heading 'Files|In|TBS'
COLUMN total_tablespace_space format 99,999,999,999,999 heading 'Total|Current|TBS|Space'
COLUMN total_used_space format 99,999,999,999,999 heading 'Total|Current|Used|Space'
COLUMN total_tablespace_free_space format 99,999,999,999,999 heading 'Total|Current|Free|Space'
COLUMN total_used_pct format 999.99 heading 'Total|Current|Used|PCT'
COLUMN total_free_pct format 999.99 heading 'Total|Current|Free|PCT'
COLUMN max_size_of_tablespace format 99,999,999,999,999 heading 'TBS|Max|Size'
COLUMN total_auto_used_pct format 999.99 heading 'Total|Max|Used|PCT'
COLUMN total_auto_free_pct format 999.99 heading 'Total|Max|Free|PCT'
TTITLE left _date center Tablespace Space Utilization Status Report skip 2
WITH tbs_auto AS
(SELECT DISTINCT tablespace_name, autoextensible
FROM dba_data_files
WHERE autoextensible = 'YES'),
files AS
(SELECT tablespace_name, COUNT (*) tbs_files,
SUM (BYTES) total_tbs_bytes
FROM dba_data_files
GROUP BY tablespace_name),
fragments AS
(SELECT tablespace_name, COUNT (*) tbs_fragments,
SUM (BYTES) total_tbs_free_bytes,
MAX (BYTES) max_free_chunk_bytes
FROM dba_free_space
GROUP BY tablespace_name),
(SELECT tablespace_name, SUM (size_to_grow) total_growth_tbs
FROM (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM (maxbytes) size_to_grow
FROM dba_data_files
WHERE autoextensible = 'YES'
GROUP BY tablespace_name
SELECT tablespace_name, SUM (BYTES) size_to_grow
FROM dba_data_files
WHERE autoextensible = 'NO'
GROUP BY tablespace_name)
GROUP BY tablespace_name)
SELECT a.tablespace_name,
CASE tbs_auto.autoextensible
END AS autoextensible,
files.tbs_files files_in_tablespace,
files.total_tbs_bytes total_tablespace_space,
(files.total_tbs_bytes - fragments.total_tbs_free_bytes
) total_used_space,
fragments.total_tbs_free_bytes total_tablespace_free_space,
( ( (files.total_tbs_bytes - fragments.total_tbs_free_bytes)
/ files.total_tbs_bytes
* 100
) total_used_pct,
((fragments.total_tbs_free_bytes / files.total_tbs_bytes) * 100
) total_free_pct,
AUTOEXTEND.total_growth_tbs max_size_of_tablespace,
( ( ( AUTOEXTEND.total_growth_tbs
- (AUTOEXTEND.total_growth_tbs - fragments.total_tbs_free_bytes
/ AUTOEXTEND.total_growth_tbs
* 100
) total_auto_used_pct,
( ( (AUTOEXTEND.total_growth_tbs - fragments.total_tbs_free_bytes)
/ AUTOEXTEND.total_growth_tbs
* 100
) total_auto_free_pct
FROM dba_tablespaces a, files, fragments, AUTOEXTEND, tbs_auto
WHERE a.tablespace_name = files.tablespace_name
AND a.tablespace_name = fragments.tablespace_name
AND a.tablespace_name = AUTOEXTEND.tablespace_name
AND a.tablespace_name = tbs_auto.tablespace_name(+);
There are lots of useful scripts there: http://www.toadworld.com/platforms/oracle/w/wiki/4861.instant-scripts.aspx
I've changed a couple of the column formats from the original.
REM LOCATION: Object Management\Tablespaces and DataFiles\Reports
REM FUNCTION: Generate a report of Tablespace Space Availability
REM including autoextend related space availability.
REM PLATFORM: non-specific
REM REQUIRES: dba_tablespaces, dba_data_files
REM This is a part of the Knowledge Xpert for Oracle Administration library.
REM Copyright (C) 2008 Quest Software
REM All rights reserved.
REM ******************** Knowledge Xpert for Oracle Administration ********************
SET lines 160 pages 66 feedback off
COLUMN tablespace_name format a20 heading 'Tablespace|(TBS)|Name'
COLUMN autoextensible format a6 heading 'Can|Auto|Extend'
COLUMN files_in_tablespace format 999 heading 'Files|In|TBS'
COLUMN total_tablespace_space format 99,999,999,999,999 heading 'Total|Current|TBS|Space'
COLUMN total_used_space format 99,999,999,999,999 heading 'Total|Current|Used|Space'
COLUMN total_tablespace_free_space format 99,999,999,999,999 heading 'Total|Current|Free|Space'
COLUMN total_used_pct format 999.99 heading 'Total|Current|Used|PCT'
COLUMN total_free_pct format 999.99 heading 'Total|Current|Free|PCT'
COLUMN max_size_of_tablespace format 99,999,999,999,999 heading 'TBS|Max|Size'
COLUMN total_auto_used_pct format 999.99 heading 'Total|Max|Used|PCT'
COLUMN total_auto_free_pct format 999.99 heading 'Total|Max|Free|PCT'
TTITLE left _date center Tablespace Space Utilization Status Report skip 2
WITH tbs_auto AS
(SELECT DISTINCT tablespace_name, autoextensible
FROM dba_data_files
WHERE autoextensible = 'YES'),
files AS
(SELECT tablespace_name, COUNT (*) tbs_files,
SUM (BYTES) total_tbs_bytes
FROM dba_data_files
GROUP BY tablespace_name),
fragments AS
(SELECT tablespace_name, COUNT (*) tbs_fragments,
SUM (BYTES) total_tbs_free_bytes,
MAX (BYTES) max_free_chunk_bytes
FROM dba_free_space
GROUP BY tablespace_name),
(SELECT tablespace_name, SUM (size_to_grow) total_growth_tbs
FROM (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM (maxbytes) size_to_grow
FROM dba_data_files
WHERE autoextensible = 'YES'
GROUP BY tablespace_name
SELECT tablespace_name, SUM (BYTES) size_to_grow
FROM dba_data_files
WHERE autoextensible = 'NO'
GROUP BY tablespace_name)
GROUP BY tablespace_name)
SELECT a.tablespace_name,
CASE tbs_auto.autoextensible
END AS autoextensible,
files.tbs_files files_in_tablespace,
files.total_tbs_bytes total_tablespace_space,
(files.total_tbs_bytes - fragments.total_tbs_free_bytes
) total_used_space,
fragments.total_tbs_free_bytes total_tablespace_free_space,
( ( (files.total_tbs_bytes - fragments.total_tbs_free_bytes)
/ files.total_tbs_bytes
* 100
) total_used_pct,
((fragments.total_tbs_free_bytes / files.total_tbs_bytes) * 100
) total_free_pct,
AUTOEXTEND.total_growth_tbs max_size_of_tablespace,
( ( ( AUTOEXTEND.total_growth_tbs
- (AUTOEXTEND.total_growth_tbs - fragments.total_tbs_free_bytes
/ AUTOEXTEND.total_growth_tbs
* 100
) total_auto_used_pct,
( ( (AUTOEXTEND.total_growth_tbs - fragments.total_tbs_free_bytes)
/ AUTOEXTEND.total_growth_tbs
* 100
) total_auto_free_pct
FROM dba_tablespaces a, files, fragments, AUTOEXTEND, tbs_auto
WHERE a.tablespace_name = files.tablespace_name
AND a.tablespace_name = fragments.tablespace_name
AND a.tablespace_name = AUTOEXTEND.tablespace_name
AND a.tablespace_name = tbs_auto.tablespace_name(+);
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Using a Date Picker in APEX
Adding a Date Picker to a page
Gee, this took me ages to figure out.
I wanted a date picker on a home page that could have a start date
and an end date selected, and then open a page with the information for just between those dates.
I messed around with
format masks, application globalisation settings, to_date, to_char
etc and it drove me mad. Every time I tried to open the page, it said "no data found".
I still don’t know if this is possible –
passing a date from one page to another, so the solution is to not
use the home page, but direct to a new page, then enter the dates
there, then have a ‘go’ button that submits the page with the
dates. Phew.
Create a new page, select a Report, and enter the query something like this
select distinct
user_name,sum(billable_hours) from client_data
where entry_date between
and client_name not like '%one%'
and client_name not like '%MGA%'
and client_name is not null
group by user_name
order by 2 desc
Next, create the 2 items - P17_START_DATE and P17_END_DATE as Date Picker Items:
You can let everything default and just click "Next", then "Create Item" .
If you try and run the page, you'll see this:
You need to add a button - Call it something like 'Go', and all you need to do is select 'Submit" for the action:
Save this, run the page, enter some dates using the calendar icons:
Then click the "Go" button:
You can change the "No Data Found" to something like "Pick a Start and End Date Using the Calendar Icons" to make it more intuitive.
On the Home page, just put a button called "Date Range" and have it direct to this page (17 in this case).
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