Adding a Date Picker to a page
Gee, this took me ages to figure out.
I wanted a date picker on a home page that could have a start date
and an end date selected, and then open a page with the information for just between those dates.
I messed around with
format masks, application globalisation settings, to_date, to_char
etc and it drove me mad. Every time I tried to open the page, it said "no data found".
I still don’t know if this is possible –
passing a date from one page to another, so the solution is to not
use the home page, but direct to a new page, then enter the dates
there, then have a ‘go’ button that submits the page with the
dates. Phew.
Create a new page, select a Report, and enter the query something like this
select distinct
user_name,sum(billable_hours) from client_data
where entry_date between
and client_name not like '%one%'
and client_name not like '%MGA%'
and client_name is not null
group by user_name
order by 2 desc
Next, create the 2 items - P17_START_DATE and P17_END_DATE as Date Picker Items:
You can let everything default and just click "Next", then "Create Item" .
If you try and run the page, you'll see this:
You need to add a button - Call it something like 'Go', and all you need to do is select 'Submit" for the action:
Save this, run the page, enter some dates using the calendar icons:
Then click the "Go" button:
You can change the "No Data Found" to something like "Pick a Start and End Date Using the Calendar Icons" to make it more intuitive.
On the Home page, just put a button called "Date Range" and have it direct to this page (17 in this case).