With this in mind, I ran up MySQL and Postgres databases in Docker containers. It took about 30 minutes or so.
This assumes you have downloaded and installed Docker.
Start a Powershell session and type:
docker pull mysql
Once downloaded (only takes a few minutes), create the container by typing this on one line.
docker run --name andy-mysql -p 3306:3306 -e
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=a_strong-password -d mysql:latest
So that is a MySQL database running in a Docker container.
Download MySQL Workbench (you will also need to install some
prerequisites – just follow the instructions.
Start MySQL Workbench and select ‘Database / Connect to
Click on “OK”
It should prompt for the password:
Click “OK”
It will open a query window – click on “Server Status” to
see the server info
This is in the right-hand pane:
There is also a Performance Dashboard
Some useful Docker commands -
Stop (kill) any running containers:
docker kill $(docker ps -a -q)
Remove stopped containers:
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
The process is the same for Postgres:
Open a Powershell session and type
docker pull postgres
Once downloaded, start the container by typing this on one line:
docker run --name andypg -e
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=a_strong-password -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
Download the latest version of PgAdmin.
Start pgadmin and connect to Postgres:
Right-click on “Servers”, then”Create / Server”
Enter the name:
Click on the “Connection” tab, enter this information:
Click on “Save”.
Should appear in the list:
Click on it, stats appear in the right-hand pane:
That's it for Postgres. All very quick and easy, so get learning.